Which of the following is not the work in the photographic industry? [br] Which

游客2024-06-28  3

问题 Which of the following is not the work in the photographic industry? [br] Which of the following statements will best describe the writer’s ideas?

选项 A、Practice makes perfect.
B、No pains, no gains.
C、Rome is not built in a day.
D、Theory goes before practice.

答案 A

解析 推断题。最后一段中作者认为书本知识固然重要,但实践可以使技术更完善。A选项意为“熟能生巧”;B选项意为“不劳无获”;C选项意为“罗马的建成非一日之功”;D选项意为“实践要建立在理论的基础上”。