If you happen to ______ Peter, tell him to come to my office.A、run toB、run over

游客2024-06-28  3

问题 If you happen to ______ Peter, tell him to come to my office.

选项 A、run to
B、run over
C、run down
D、run across

答案 D

解析 句意:如果你碰巧遇见了彼得,告诉他到我的办公室来。run to(1)钱足够支付;有足够的钱购买(2)有…趋势running to fat有发胖的趋势(3)(数量等)达……。run over: (1)(车辆)轧过,压过(2)流出,溢出(3)匆匆看过。run down:(1)(用车)撞倒(2)追s寻;追获:to run down a criminal追缉一名罪犯。(3)诋毁(4)(钟表、电池)失去动力(5)逐渐停止: The coal industry is being run down. 煤矿工业正逐步停产。run across:偶然遇到;跑着穿过。