In many parts of the world there is a debate about whether children should u

游客2024-06-28  2

问题     In many parts of the world there is a debate about whether children should use pocket calculators in math lessons. They help children work faster and pass examinations. But critics say that they make the subject too easy.
    This concern that technology is doing much of our thinking for us cuts across many areas. People who use computers for many years find that their handwriting had become worse. Artists paint pictures using computer software rather than learning to draw and paint. Tennis players no longer try to outwit (在智慧上战胜) their opponents. Advances in tennis racket technology make it easier to just blast (猛击) the ball past them.
    Technology used to be about freeing people from boring physical labor like washing clothes. Now it is taking over increasingly complicated mental functions. Analysts are also worried about the effect of media saturation (渗透). The idea is that a constant diet of television has made people too impatient to listen while things are explained to them. Television depends on pictures, preferably exciting ones. Events make better TV viewing than processes. Action comes before understanding. There is a tendency to replace long explanation of complicated events with simple summaries. The tendency is called dumbing down. Critics say that it has produced a post-literate generation of people. They are able to read and write and capable of thinking and understanding. But they prefer to let the television do these things for them.
    To avoid going down this path, it is necessary to remember that the mind is like a muscle. The more it is exercised, the stronger it gets. The easy way is not always the best. [br] According to the passage, pocket calculators      .

选项 A、will help students think fast
B、will make math too easy for them
C、will do harm to students’ thinking ability
D、will contribute to the spread of new technology

答案 C

解析 题干中所提到的pocket calculator出现在文章第一段中,根据文章第二段第一句话This concern that technology is doing much of our thinking for us cuts across many areas.(科技正在替我们思考很多东西,这一问题已延伸到很多领域。)中的This可知,第二段中提到的科技的负面影响应该在第一段也出现过。所以袖珍计算器对学生的影响应该是负面的,故答案为C“对学生的思考能力有害”。