[originaltext]W: Now, Mr. White, did you see the accident clearly?M: Oh, yes.

游客2024-06-27  2

W: Now, Mr. White, did you see the accident clearly?
M: Oh, yes. I was standing outside the department store.
W: Do you know what time it happened?
M: Yes, it was 4:30 by my watch.
W: Good, now, was the truck going fast?
M: Yes. Well, perhaps the driver thought they were going to change to green. But they were red.
W: Are you sure, Mr. White?
M: Yes, absolutely sure.
W: Well, thanks a lot, Mr. White. Goodbye.
M: Goodbye.
Q9. Which statement is true according to this conversation?

选项 A、To tell the woman that Johnson got a bad headache.
B、He’d like to go the art exhibition.
C、To tell the woman that Johnson was happy about staying in bed.
D、He hoped that Johnson would feel better soon.

答案 A

解析 Why did the man make the telephone call?