As the competition to Canada’s post-secondary heats up, parents are searching

游客2024-06-27  2

问题    As the competition to Canada’s post-secondary heats up, parents are searching for new ways to give their kids an edge (优势). Growing numbers are finding the solution in longstanding educational method—boarding schools.
   Canada’s almost 10,000 boarding school students are exposed to richer and more varied programming than the public system can offer. Moreover, their days are quite structured and students are kept busy with academics, athletics (运动) and other activities. Many boarding schools develop specialties. For instance, Brentwood College School in Mill Bay, specializes in fine arts, while Athol Murray College Notre Dame in Wilcox, has nationally recognized hockey programs for boys and girls.
   Susan Hazel, who spent more than 20 years teaching in Canadian boarding schools, says that boarding schools foster (培养) independence in students.
   "They provide a safe, positive environment in which young people can take risks and attempt new things. Students get involved in activities they might not try elsewhere and they build some fabulous (难以置信的) friendships."
   "Canada’s 69 boarding schools including religious and secular (长期的) institutions, schools that cater to (迎合) children with special needs and single sex and co-educated (男女同校) institutions. Because of this variety it’s important for parents to research carefully when looking for a boarding school", says Hazel.
   "Try to find a school that suits your child, her talents and abilities. Inquire about student supervision after school hours and on weekends. Find out about the food and healthcare services. And check on the size of the dorms and how many students sleep in each room."

选项 A、They want to spend more money in the children’s education.
B、They want to spend less money in the children’s education.
C、They want to have their own time to enjoy life.
D、They want to make their children become more competitive in the future.

答案 D

解析 细节题。从第一段可以知道家长们正在寻找新的教育方式来给孩子增加竞争优势,这就是把孩子送到寄宿学校。因此,不难得出正确答案D。