[originaltext]M: Did you buy the bed we saw last week?W: Of course.Though it’s

游客2024-06-27  1

M: Did you buy the bed we saw last week?
W: Of course.Though it’s not so beautiful,it’s very cheap.
Q: Why did the woman buy the bed?
M: Make three copies for me and five for Mr. Brown.
W: Certainly, sir. As soon as l make the final corrections on the original.
Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

选项 A、Boss and secretary.
B、Teacher and student.
C、Customer and waitress.
D、Lawyer and client.

答案 A

解析 四个选项描述的都是人物关系。题目询问说话人之间是什么关系。根据对话,男士让女士印三份文件给自己,五份文件给布朗先生,而女士回答说“当然,先生。”据此可以判断选项A(老板和秘书)为正确答案。此人类人物身份、关系题要根据对话内容以及说话人的用词和语气来做出合理推断。选项B (老师和学生)与选项C(顾客和服务员)虽然也会出现“Certainly,sir”这类话语,但一般不会有印文件或修改原稿的事。而选项D(律师和客户)这种关系之间不会使用祈使句和“sir”等表达方式,因此这三个选项均错误。