[originaltext]M: What’s the matter with you?W: Oh, doctor. I had a fever last

游客2024-06-26  3

M: What’s the matter with you?
W: Oh, doctor. I had a fever last night.
M: Sorry to hear that. Did you take your temperature?
W: No. But I knew it was a very high fever.
M:(7)But now you don’t seem to have a fever. Your temperature is normal. Are you taking any medication?
W: No.
M: OK, let me listen to your heart and lungs. Please take a deep breath.
W: Anything serious?
M: No. Don’t worry.(6)It’s only a cold. You’ll be OK soon.
W: Thanks a lot.
Questions 6 and 7 are based on the conversation you’ve just heard.
6. What was wrong with the patient according to the doctor?
7.What was the patient supposed to do?

选项 A、Take a good rest.
B、Stop worrying about her problem.
C、Take some medicine.
D、Do more exercise.

答案 B

解析 题目询问病人应该干什么。根据对话内容知道病人现在不再发烧,医生认为病情不严重,不必担忧,所以B项应为正确答案。