Miss Liu, I am writing to inform you that I wish to move into a new room next te

游客2024-06-26  6

问题 Miss Liu, I am writing to inform you that I wish to move into a new room next term. The reason for my dissatisfaction with my roommate is his inconsiderate behavior.His friends constantly visit him and he regularly holds noisy parties. In addition, he sometimes uses my things without asking me. Under these circumstances, I find it difficult to concentrate on my studies. I would be grateful if you could find another room for me.


答案 刘老师,我写信给您是希望在下学期能搬入到一个新的寝室。我对我的室友很不满意。因为他做事不顾及别人的感受。他的朋友们经常来寝室找他,而且还定期举行嘈杂的聚会。另外,他有时还未经我的允许动用我的物品。在这种环境下,我很难专注于学业。若您能为我找到另一个寝室,我将十分感激。

解析 本题相当于一封投诉信。意在写清被投诉人的不合理行为及投诉人的希望。翻译时要注意以下的词和短语:dissatisfaction with意为“对…不满意”,inconsiderate意为“不顾及别人的感受”,constantly意为“经常地”,under these circumstances意为“在这种情况。