[originaltext]W: Would you like to see a menu?M: No, thank you.I already know

游客2024-06-25  1

W: Would you like to see a menu?
M: No, thank you.I already know what I want to order.
Q: Where does this dialogue most probably take place?
W: I’m not feeling well, doctor.
M: Have a good rest and then you’ll feel better.
Q: What is the woman going to do next?

选项 A、Take some medicine.
B、Have a good rest.
C、Be treated in hospital.
D、Take an injection.

答案 B

解析 对话中女士说:“大夫,我感觉很不舒服。"男士的回答是:“好好休息一下,这样你就会感觉好些。”由此可知,女士接下来会好好休息。