[originaltext]W: Would you like to see a menu?M: No, thank you.I already know

游客2024-06-25  2

W: Would you like to see a menu?
M: No, thank you.I already know what I want to order.
Q: Where does this dialogue most probably take place?
W: Would you like to go to the seaside for the weekend?
M: I’d like to, but I have much work to do.
Q: What does the man mean?

选项 A、He won’t go to the seaside.
B、He doesn’t like the seaside.
C、He will go to the seaside.
D、He is annoyed.

答案 A

解析 对话开头女士问男士:“周末你想去海边吗?”男士回答:“我很想去,但我有许多工作要做。”言外之意是男士不会去海边。