Last Christmas I went to Hollywood for two weeks. My best friend was living

游客2024-06-25  1

问题     Last Christmas I went to Hollywood for two weeks. My best friend was living there. I traveled by plane to Los Angeles, which took 3 hours. My friend【T1】______at the airport and drove me in her car back to Hollywood. At first I was rather【T2】______at the city because it looked rather dirty. However, after I’d【T3】______the flight, my friend started taking me to see some wonderful sights. She lived in a beautiful house up in the mountains. The place was very beautiful and【T4】______a part of another city. She drove me through all the expensive areas where the houses are absolutely enormous. We went to Disneyland and spent【T5】______there. I didn’t think I would enjoy it very much, but I did. [br] 【T3】


答案 recovered from

解析 空袼所在句为复合句,句首为after引导的时间状语从句。主句的谓语started为过去式;由after一词可知,从句的动作发生在主句动作之前,所以空格前的’d应为had的缩写,而不是would。由此可知,空格处应填入动词的过去分词形式。结合录音,此处填入recovered from.短语recover from意为“从……中恢复健康(体力、能力等)”。