[originaltext]W: When are you leaving for Cambridge, Dr. Berle? M: On Wednesda

游客2024-06-24  2

W: When are you leaving for Cambridge, Dr. Berle?
M: On Wednesday, that’s tomorrow.
Q: What day is today?
W: Attention, please. Professor Smith wants us to hand in a paper on psychology by Monday morning.
M: Another paper for him? My God. We did one only last week.
Q: What’s the man’s reaction to the announcement?

选项 A、He was quite happy.
B、He felt upset.
C、He didn’t care.
D、He seemed pleased.

答案 B

解析 对话中女士说“史密斯教授要求我们下星期一之前交一篇心理学论文”,男士对此做出的反应是“又布置一篇论文?搞什么,上个星期我们才交了一篇”,关键词是Another和My God,由此可以推断出他对这个通知的反应是upset(心烦的)。因此B项是正确答案。