[originaltext]W: Excuse me, sir, but are you Mr. Brown from Chicago? M: Oh, ye

游客2024-06-24  0

W: Excuse me, sir, but are you Mr. Brown from Chicago?
M: Oh, yes. I’m Brown from ABC Company.
Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
M: Now that you are in China, how about trying some Chinese dinner?
W: That sounds great!
Q: What are they going to do?

选项 A、Visit places of interest.
B、Enjoy Peking Opera.
C、Have Chinese food.
D、Do some shopping.

答案 C

解析 男士询问女士既然是在中国,品尝一些中餐如何,女士回答说太好了。由此可见,他们将要吃中餐。