[originaltext]M: Madam, what can I do for you?W: Well,(6)I’m looking for a dre

游客2024-06-24  2

M: Madam, what can I do for you?
W: Well,(6)I’m looking for a dress for myself.
M: Do you want something special?
W: Just for a party. I’d like either silk or cotton.
M:(7)We don’t have any pure silk. But this cotton one is very nice.
W:(7)I like it very much. Any different sizes?
M: Yes, from size 6 to size 11, What size do you want?
W:(7)Size 8 exactly. And how much is it?
M: It was $ 94 last week, but it’s on sale now,(8)so you just need to pay $ 84 for it.
W: All right. I’ll get this one.
6. What does the woman want to buy?
7. What kind of dress does the woman get at last?
8. How much is the dress?

选项 A、A cotton dress, size 6.
B、A cotton dress, size 8.
C、A silk dress, size 8.
D、A silk dress, size 11.

答案 B

解析 对话中,女士表示想要丝制的或者棉制的连衣裙,男士回答说没有纯丝的,并向女士推荐了一款棉制的,女士表示很喜欢;在男士询问尺寸时,女士回答说要8号的。综合以上信息可知,女士最后购买的是8号尺寸的棉制连衣裙。