[originaltext]M: Mary, you didn’t come to work yesterday. What happened? W: Oh

游客2024-06-24  1

M: Mary, you didn’t come to work yesterday. What happened?
W: Oh, I got a serious headache, so I took a rest at home.
Q: What was wrong with Mary yesterday?
M: Are you ready to leave for London at five this afternoon?
W: Five this afternoon? No way. I will stay two more days.
Q: When is the woman going to leave?

选项 A、At five in the afternoon.
B、At five two days later.
C、Two days later.
D、Three days later.

答案 C

解析 男士询问女士是否做好了今天下午五点动身去伦敦的准备,女士断然予以否定,并表示将再待上两天。言外之意,她打算两天后再走。No way意为“绝不”。