[originaltext]M: Good morning. W: Good morning.M: I hear you’ve got a problem

游客2024-06-24  3

M: Good morning.
W: Good morning.
M: I hear you’ve got a problem with your washing machine.(8)I’m from the repair company.
W: Oh, please come in. The washing machine is in the bathroom.
M: What’s wrong with it?
W:(9)It’s making a high-pitch noise when it’s in use.
M: Is it still under warranty? If it is, it would be quicker and easier to exchange it for a new one.
W: Yes, it’s still under warranty.
M: Let me check.(10)Oh, a part of the motor is loose. I can put it back in place in a few minutes. No need to exchange.
8. Who is the man?
9. What is wrong with the washing machine?
10. What will the man do with the washing machine?

选项 A、It doesn’t work totally.
B、It is leaking.
C、It makes noises.
D、It is out of power.

答案 C

解析 对话中,男士问女士她的洗衣机出了什么问题,女士回答她的洗衣机在使用的时候会发出很大的噪声。