I am writing to you to talk about taking up occupations for college graduates. N

游客2024-06-23  2

问题 I am writing to you to talk about taking up occupations for college graduates. Nowadays you are looking forward to obtaining employment in big cities, not willing to work in the countryside. As a matter of fact, there are not enough opportunities to satisfy most of the hunters in big cities while in the countryside talented people are badly needed and many posts are waiting for you. Rural areas are a vast world, where you can put your abilities to good use and you’ll be able to make greater contributions to the building of the new countryside.


答案 我给你写这封信是想谈一下大学毕业生的就业问题。现在,你们都期望在大城市就业,不愿意到农村工作。实际上,大城市中没有足够的就业机会来满足大部分求职者;而农村却急需有才能的人,许多岗位都在等待着你们。农村地区是一片广阔的天地,在这里你们可以充分施展自己的才能,能够为新农村的建设作出更巨大的贡献。

解析 这是一封信件,建议大学生考虑到农村去发展。翻译时注意以下短语:taking up occupations"就业",looking forward to"期待,盼望",not willing to work in the countryside“不愿意到农村工作”,As a matter of fact“事实上,实际上”,talented people“有才能的人”,Rural areas“农村地区”,put…to good use“充分利用……”,make contributions to…“为……作贡献”。