[originaltext]M: Hi, Jean, please take a seat.W: Thank you.M: We are now cons

游客2024-06-23  1

M: Hi, Jean, please take a seat.
W: Thank you.
M: We are now considering your application. [8]Are you interested in working in the marketing department?
W: Yes. I am very interested in marketing. It would be a new challenge for me.
M: [9]How do you feel about working on weekends?
W: Working on weekends? I haven’t thought about it, but I’ll definitely consider it.
M: [9] People in that department often need to do market surveys during the weekends.
W: Then I’ll try my best to do that.
M: By the way, do you live far from the company?
W: [10]No, it only takes me thirty minutes to come here by bus.
M: That’s fine, thank you.
8. In which department is the woman likely to work?
9. What’s the special requirement for the job?
10. How long does it take the woman to get to the company by bus?

选项 A、Half an hour.
B、One hour.
C、One hour and a half.
D、Two hours.   

答案 A

解析 题目询问这位女士坐巴士到公司要多长时间。对话的最后男士问女士:“住的地方离公司远吗?”女士说:“不远,坐巴士大约半小时就能到。”可知正确答案是A项。