[originaltext]M: Have you found the trouble with the car?W: Not yet. The engin

游客2024-06-23  1

M: Have you found the trouble with the car?
W: Not yet. The engine works well. I’m checking over the wheels.
Q: What are the two speakers talking about?
M: Shall we have something special for a change?
W: How about Japanese food? I know a famous restaurant.
Q: What are the two speakers probably going to do?

选项 A、Visit Japan.
B、Cook some food.
C、Travel abroad.
D、Eat outside.

答案 D

解析 听到男士说的“我们是不是应该来点特别的,换换口味”可能对答案还有些模糊,但从女士说的两个关键词food和restaurant便可得知说话人的意图。可见他们会在外面的餐馆吃饭,故选D项。