[originaltext]W: When are you leaving for Cambridge, Dr. Berle? M: On Wednesda

游客2024-06-22  10

W: When are you leaving for Cambridge, Dr. Berle?
M: On Wednesday, that’s tomorrow.
Q: What day is today?
W: May I speak to David Jefferson?
M: I’m sorry, nobody by that name works here.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

选项 A、The woman has got a wrong number.
B、The man no longer works there.
C、David Jefferson is not in at the moment.
D、Someone else will answer the phone.

答案 A

解析 对话中女士打电话找大卫.杰斐逊,接电话的人回答“不好意思,这没有这个人”,因此可以推测出这位女士打错了电话。所以A项为正确答案。