The challenge of writing a powerful cover letter (附信) can lead job candidate

游客2024-06-22  2

问题     The challenge of writing a powerful cover letter (附信) can lead job candidates to search endlessly for advice, but be careful. While you likely will find some valuable advice, you may come across a few tips that could mislead you.
    "You need a lengthy cover letter." This probably is one of the "bad cover letter tips." Think about it: hiring managers have piles of resumes and cover letters to review. If yours is longer than the rest, it might not get read at all. Aim to get all of your points across in three brief paragraphs: a clear introduction that lets employers know which job you are applying for and why you are interested in the position; a paragraph that includes a few specific examples of how you have excelled (擅长) in past roles that are relevant to the open position; and a concluding paragraph that tells employers how you will benefit their company and requests a future meeting.
    "Your cover letter is less important than your resume." Some hiring managers shove(随手扔) cover letters to the side, but most do not. Because you never know what type of hiring manager you are dealing with, it is best to submit a nice cover letter. While some employers place less emphasis on cover letters, others decide who to interview based on them. Remember that the point of a cover letter is to tell employers something that makes them want to meet you. [br] Why should job candidates be careful when searching for advice to write a cover letter?

选项 A、Some tips are not practical.
B、Some tips could be misleading.
C、It is impossible to get useful tips.
D、It is difficult to find valuable tips.

答案 B

解析 通过短文第一段第二句话可知,“在获得一些宝贵建议的同时,也可能遇到一些误导”,故选B。