[originaltext]M: What project are you working on right now? W: We are developi

游客2024-06-22  3

M: What project are you working on right now?
W: We are developing a new control system.
Q: What kind of system is being developed?
M: Jane, why are you in such a hurry?
W: I have to meet a friend at the airport before five o’clock.
Q: What can we learn about the woman from the conversation?

选项 A、She’ll meet a friend.
B、She’ll take a flight.
C、She’ll attend an interview at 5 o’clock.
D、She’ll see a doctor before 5 o’clock.

答案 A

解析 对话中,男士问女士为何如此匆忙,女士回答说她要在五点之前到机场去见朋友,由此确定A)“她要去见朋友”为本题的答案。B)“她要乘飞机”、C)“她要在五点钟参加一个面试”和D)“她要在五点之前去看医生"均与对话内容不符,因此可以排除。