[originaltext]M: What project are you working on right now? W: We are developi

游客2024-06-22  3

M: What project are you working on right now?
W: We are developing a new control system.
Q: What kind of system is being developed?
W: Why do you want to accept this job offer?
M: The job is interesting and challenging.I like it.
Q: Why does the man want to do the job?

选项 A、It’s easy to do.
B、It’s challenging.
C、He can get a high pay.
D、He did the same job before.

答案 B

解析 对话中,女士询问男士接受这份工作的原因,男士说这个工作不但有趣,而且还有挑战性,B)“这份工作具有挑战性”列出了其中一个原因,所以确定B)为本题的答案。A)“这份工作简单"、C)“他能得到高工资”和D)“他以前做过相同的工作”均与对话内容不符,所以可以排除。