[originaltext]W: Why do you want to work with our company?M: I want to get a m

游客2024-06-22  2

W: Why do you want to work with our company?
M: I want to get a more challenging job.
W: How about your current job?
M: My salary is not bad. But I want to have a try of this chance.
W: All right. How did you get to know about this job?
M: I read about it in the newspaper.
W: Why do you think you are suitable for the job?
M: I have five years’ work experience in this field.
W: OK. Then how much salary do you expect from this job?
M: No less than five thousand yuan per month.
W: Do you have any questions?
M: Not at the moment.
W: Right. We will inform you when we have made a decision.
M: Thank you for the interview.
W: You’re welcome.
8. Why did the man apply for the job?
9. How did the man know about the job?
10. Why does the man think he is suitable for the job?

选项 A、To have more work experience.
B、To have a much higher salary.
C、To get a better chance for promotion.
D、To try something more challenging.

答案 D

解析 事实细节题。本题询问男士申请这份工作的原因。对话开头男士就说想找一份更有挑战的工作(get amore challenging job)。D项To try something more challenging(为了尝试更有挑战的事情)是原文的同义替换,为答案。