[originaltext]M: (8) I can see from your resume that you like meeting people an

游客2024-06-21  3

M: (8) I can see from your resume that you like meeting people and enjoy making new friends.
W: Yes, I’m that sort of person.
M: Well, that’s exactly the kind of person we need.
W: Believe me. I can do the job well.
M: (9) But you won’t be meeting people in person, only over the phone.
W: I have a good telephone voice. And I am very confident on the phone.
M: Okay. (10) We need someone for three evenings a week, at least three hours an evening.
W: No problem. I can do that.
M: That’s fine. Please come with me and I’ll introduce you to the manager.
W: Thank you very much.
8. What can we learn about the woman from the conversation?
9. What kind of job is the woman going to take?
10. How many hours will the woman work a week?

选项 A、She enjoys making new friends.
B、She likes doing volunteer work.
C、She gets along well with her colleagues.
D、She possesses the qualities of a good leader.

答案 A

解析 信息明示题。对话开头,男士说女士简历上写着自己喜欢与人交友,由此确定A)“她喜欢交友”为本题的答案。对话中没有提及B)“她喜欢做志愿工作”、C)“她与同事相处融洽”和D)“她具备一个好领导的品质”,因此可以排除。