[originaltext]M: Good morning, ABC Car Rental. How can I help you? W: Good mor

游客2024-06-21  4

M: Good morning, ABC Car Rental. How can I help you?
W: Good morning. I’d like to rent a car, please?
M: Sure. Is it just for yourself.
W: No, my husband and two children.
M: And how long would you like to rent the vehicle?
W: (6) Just three days, from tomorrow morning.
M: Okay. We have a Toyota and a Ford. Which one do you prefer?
W: (7) Which one is less expensive?
M: The Toyota. It is 45 dollars a day.
W: Okay, I’ll take the Toyota.
6. How many days will the woman rent the car?
7. Why does the woman decide to rent a Toyota?

选项 A、Two.

答案 B

解析 信息明示题。女士给ABC汽车租赁公司打电话,为丈夫和孩子租一辆汽车,男士询问女士需要租赁几天,女士说需要三天,故B)“三天”为本题的答案。A)“两天”、C)“四天”和D)“五天”均与对话内容不符,故可排除。