[originaltext]W: What do you usually do in the morning?M: We go to the nearby

游客2024-06-21  4

W: What do you usually do in the morning?
M: We go to the nearby lake and walk around it.
Q: What does the man usually do in the morning?
M: My car broke down again, and it is in the repair shop now.
W: If I were you, I would buy a new one.
Q: What is the woman’s advice?

选项 A、Selling the car.
B、Buying a new car.
C、Repairing the car.
D、Renting a car.

答案 B

解析 请求建议题。男士说他的车抛锚了,现在在维修厂,女士说换作是她,她宁愿买一辆新车,所以确定女士的建议是B)“买一辆新车”。A)“卖掉这辆车”、C)“修车”和D)“租车”均与对话内容不符,可以排除。