There are some problem areas for international students and immigrants study

游客2024-06-21  2

问题     There are some problem areas for international students and immigrants studying in the United States. Making friends is a challenge(this is also true for some American students). Many colleges and universities offer a variety of student clubs and organizations where both foreign-born and native American students have a greater chance of meeting people with shared interests. Information about these out-of-class activities is often posted in the student center and listed in the student newspaper. Sometimes foreign students and immigrant students find Americans to be "cliquish(有派性的)".(Americans find some non-U.S.-born students to be cliquish as well.)If people feel separated from the social aspects of American college life, they should actively seek people with shared interests. It’s unlikely that students will make friends just by passing people on the campus.
    Foreign or immigrant students may feel confused during the first few weeks at a new school because they do not understand the system and are not willing to ask questions. Many students do not take advantage of the numerous services offered on campus that assist students in developing new skills and social groups. Some colleges offer students tutorial(辅导的)support in such subjects as writing, language study, computer skills, and other basic subjects. Students who appear to be most successful in ’learning the ropes" are those who can solve problems by taking the initiative to ask questions, locate resources, and experience new social situations. [br] In the United States, students can find friends with the same interests by_____.

选项 A、making friends on the campus
B、reading the student newspaper
C、visiting the student center
D、joining the student clubs

答案 D

解析 题目中的find friends和the same interests分别对应第一段第三句的meeting people和sharedinterests,可知学生可以通过学生俱乐部和各种组织(student clubs and organizations)交到兴趣相同的朋友。因此D项为正确答案。