[originaltext]W: When are you leaving for Cambridge, Dr. Berle? M: On Wednesda

游客2024-06-21  1

W: When are you leaving for Cambridge, Dr. Berle?
M: On Wednesday, that’s tomorrow.
Q: What day is today?
M: Excuse me, could you tell me if there’s a bank near this post office?
W: Well, there’s one next to the supermarket, just to the right of the entrance.
Q: Where is the bank?

选项 A、It’s next to the post office.
B、It’s to the right of the post office.
C、It’s close to the supermarket.
D、It’s opposite to the supermarket.

答案 C

解析 对话中的女士问邮局附近是否有银行,由回答“嗯,紧挨着超市有一间,就在入口的右边”可以推测出银行在超市附近。对next to the supermarket的理解是该题的关键所在。应理解为“紧挨着超市”与C项中close to意思相近,所以C项为正确选项。