[originaltext]W:Hello, ABC Company. May I help you?M:Hello. This is Li Ming. M

游客2024-06-19  6

W:Hello, ABC Company. May I help you?
M:Hello. This is Li Ming. May I speak to Mr. Green?
W:I’m sorry but he’s in Shanghai on business.
M:Do you have any idea when he’ll be back?
W:Probably sometime tomorrow.
M:I have a question about the F-325 radio. Is there anyone else who can help me?
W:Of course. Mr. Brown is the Export Manager. Would you like to speak to him?
M:Yes, please.
W:OK. I’ll just put you through.
M:Thank you.
Q6. What is Mr. Green doing in Shanghai?
Q7. Who will help the man most probably?

选项 A、Mr.Green who is the Import Manager.
B、Mr.Brown who is the Import Manager.
C、Mr.Green who s the Export Manager.
D、Mr.Brown who is the Export Manager.

答案 D

解析 题目问的是谁会给予这个男士帮助?对话中,男士说明了事由,并询问女士是否还有什么人可以帮助他,女士回答说有,布朗先生是出口经理。由此可见,最有可能帮助男士的人是出口经理布朗先生。故选D。