As a boss, you want to do your best to run your organization effectively

游客2024-06-19  1

问题         As a boss, you want to do your best to run your organization effectively.If you do your job well, then your employees will do their jobs well, too.
        Here are several common strategies used by good bosses.
1.        Realize that management succeeds via the efforts of the workers.It’s true you’re in charge, but it doesn’t mean you deserve all the credit for the work being done.Your staff is responsible for the bulk of the work.
2.        Assign responsibility and then trust your people.Once you’ve trained someone to handle a task, allow him or her to handle it without interference.Different people have different approaches, and someone else’ s way of doing something may be just as efficient as the way you would do it.
3.        Deal with any problems quickly and directly.When you see a problem, deal with it quickly and don’t nag(不停的责备)your people about it later.
4.        Tell your staff how much you appreciate them—in front of customers if possible.Never hesitate to praise your employees and thank them for their excellent service—if customers are there, let them know how you value your people.The customers will have more faith in the services your business provides.
5.        Show your appreciation by doing things for them.They go the extra mile for you when you do something nice for them. [br] When assigning a certain task to an employee, the boss should_______.

选项 A、tell the employee how to do it
B、ask the employee to do it efficiently
C、have faith in the employee
D、help the employee do it well

答案 C

解析 根据第四段第一句和第二句分配责任,然后信任你的员工。一旦你培养某人处理一项任务 ,允许他或她在没有干扰的情况下处理任务。”可知,分配任务时,老板要充分信任员工,故选C。