[originaltext] W: Why do you plan to fire John? He is smart. M: I know.

游客2024-06-19  3

W: Why do you plan to fire John? He is smart.
    M: I know. But he has problems getting along with other colleagues.
    Q: Why does the man plan to fire John?

选项 A、He is not smart.
B、He doesn’t get along with others.
C、He has some mental problems.
D、He’s not responsible for his work.

答案 B

解析 女士问男士为什么打算开除约翰,并补充说约翰很聪明;男士说他知道,但约翰无法与其他同事相处。由此可见,男士打算开除约翰是因为约翰无法与同事相处。