What is said to be the best way to conserve energy nowadays? [br] The strongest

游客2024-06-18  1

问题 What is said to be the best way to conserve energy nowadays? [br] The strongest incentives for energy conservation will derive from ______.


答案 the market itself

解析 本题空白处问“节能的最强烈的动机来自……。”根据题文中“the strongest incentives for energy conservation”可将相关部分定位于小标题为“Flexible Payment (灵活的付款方式)”部分。全文第十六自然段第一句话提到“The most powerful incentive will come from the market itself.”,即“最有力的激励当然来自市场本身。”这里“them most powerful”和题文中的“the strongest”意思相同。因此,答案为“the market itself”。