What is said to be the best way to conserve energy nowadays? [br] Energy service

游客2024-06-18  1

问题 What is said to be the best way to conserve energy nowadays? [br] Energy service contractors profit by taking a part of clients’______.


答案 annual utility-bill savings

解析 本题空白处问“能源服务通过吸收客户……的一部分未获得利润。”根据题文中“Energy service contractors”可将相关部分定位于小标题为“Flexible Payment (灵活的付款方式)”部分。全文第十三自然段第二句话提到“‘Energy service contractors’ will pay for retrofitting in return for a share of the client’s annual utility-bill savings.”,即“能源服务负责人会为旧设备的翻新改造付款,回报是客户每年费用存款的一部分。”这里 "in return of the share of”和题文中的“take a part of”意思相近。因此,答案为“annual utility-bill savings”。