In the 17th century, a writer explained the theory about the function of laughte

游客2024-06-18  3

问题 In the 17th century, a writer explained the theory about the function of laughter supported by most people. [br] A "good mixer" who enjoys social advantages over his more serious colleagues is capable of ______.


答案 communicating pleasure in a loud laugh

解析 第6段第2句:The person possessing the ability to communicate pleasure in a loud laugh began to enjoy  social advantages over his more serious colleagues;he became a "good  mixer",socially selected and liked by society.空白处需要名词性成分。题目把原文提到的条件和结果倒了过来,capable of相当于原文中的the ability to,因此把原文to后的动词短语成分改成合乎语法的动名词形式即为正确答案。