According to the passage, static electricity can be caused by ______. [br] A hig

游客2024-06-17  2

问题 According to the passage, static electricity can be caused by ______. [br] A high negative ion count is likely to be found ______.

选项 A、near a pond with a water pump
B、close to a slow-flowing river
C、high in some barren mountains
D、by a rotating water sprinkler

答案 D

解析 细节题。第三段第二句话作者指出,产生大量负离子的自然条件是靠近大海、瀑布或喷泉的地方,或任何有喷水或形成水花的地方。因此答案为D“在旋转的喷雾器旁”。