The text indicates that leadership research ______. [br] The favorable effect of

游客2024-06-17  3

问题 The text indicates that leadership research ______. [br] The favorable effect of a crucible depends on whether a leader ______.

选项 A、proves him/herself to be a newly emergent one
B、accepts it as a useful experience for progress
C、shrinks back from tiring and trying experiences
D、draws important lessons for his/her followers

答案 B

解析 文章第二段最后一句提到,领导人能从“炼狱之旅”成功走出来后为他们更加有信心地走下去提供了重要的教训(providing key lessons to help a person move ahead confidently),这也是严峻考验带来的正面影响(favorable effect of a crucible)。B中的a useful experience for progress是对文中的key lessons to help a person move ahead的同义转述。