It has often been said that music is a global language. But the idea

游客2024-06-17  3

问题     It has often been said that music is a global language. But the idea         S1.______
music can bring cultures closer together by transporting listeners to a-
common realm seems somehow unusual. That is of course, unless you are            S2.______
unfamiliar with the new genre(流派,风格)of music called "world music".          S3.______
    What is world music? Giving the great diversity in category and style,       S4.______
it is not surprising there is little agreement on exact what constitutes this    S5.______
genre. It could be traditional music such like Afro-Caribbean rhythms, Cel-      S6.______
tic fiddles, and reggae.
    It includes Gregorian chants, Aborigine didgeridoo, or Tajikistani pop,
Salsa, samba, or Johnny Clegg and Savuka. Some musicologists argue that
all music are world music. After all, rock-and-roll traces back to Africa.       S7.______
Record store employees, on other hand, will direct you to a specific section.    S8.______
And the Billboard charts seem to define world music by artists who have
put a pop spin on traditional music.
    Robert Browning, artistic director of the World Music Institute in New
York, describes world-music on a spectrum of music genres. At one end of
the spectrum you have classical or traditional "roots" music. On the other
hand, you have music that is a mix of sounds and instruments, more               S9.______
often composed of Western artists.                                               S10.______


答案 idea ∧ music→that

解析 连词缺漏。idea后表述其内容的从句是同位语从句,从属连词that引导同位语从句时不可以省略。