The ethical behavior refers to ______. [br] In Para. four, the word "Rusken" mos

游客2024-06-17  5

问题 The ethical behavior refers to ______. [br] In Para. four, the word "Rusken" most probably means ______.

选项 A、a traffic police who directs the traffic
B、a bad example to give a caution
C、one person who breaks the traffic regulations
D、the driver loved by the passengers

答案 C

解析 根据题干关键词Rusken定位到文章第4段。Also,we will establish a campaign person“Rusken”....推断题。“并且,我们还将树立这场运动的形象代言人Rusken。Rusken具备与道路安全有关的所有的坏习惯。没有人愿意成为一个Rusken。车里的孩子或者妻子/丈夫都不愿用一个像Rusken一样的司机。”由此推测,Rusken应该是个负面形象,再结合选项的意思,就可以得出答案为C。文中没有提及交通警察,再者,交警也不是负面形象,因此排除A。