Britain’s dependency on certain essential services has greatly widened and becom

游客2024-06-16  2

问题 Britain’s dependency on certain essential services has greatly widened and become a key role in the country’s ______. [br] According to the passage, considerable in the trade union movement grow from the outdated and inefficient structure of the trade unions ______.


答案 strains and tensions

解析 本题题干将第三段首句(There are considerable strains and tensions in the trade union movement,some of them arising from their outdated and inefficient structure)的内容综合到了一起,其中grow from对应原文中的arising from。很显然,空中应填入strains and tensions,即因为工会的组织结构过时并且没有效率,工会活动中常会滋生许多紧张情绪。