The author is most probably a ______. [br] Why did the wolves ignore the author’

游客2024-06-16  2

问题 The author is most probably a ______. [br] Why did the wolves ignore the author’s presence?

选项 A、Because his tent was out of the wolves’ estate boundaries.
B、Because the author has just arrived at the spot.
C、Because the wolves were too busy to notice him.
D、Because the wolves were afraid of strangers.

答案 A

解析 在第2段狼群对作者的存在并不在意,但到了第4段末句,狼盯着作者的帐篷,这其中的变化就在于第3段描写的作者在狼群的领土范围内留下了自己的记号,由此可推断,在此之前狼群之所以忽视他的存在就是因为他不在狼群的领土范围之内,即选项A为本题答案。选项B和C虽然都是文章中提到的信息,但都与题目要求的原因无关;而原文没有细节表明狼害怕陌生人,故选项D也不对。