Without the talking binoculars, a scout during radio silent scouting missions __

游客2024-06-16  3

问题 Without the talking binoculars, a scout during radio silent scouting missions ______. [br] Strickland pointed out one major advantage of talking binoculars that ______.

选项 A、it is impossible for the enemy to detect them
B、the chance of being detected by the enemy is slim
C、the laser beam they send is too weak to be detected
D、they can only be detected if the detector is near to the forward scout

答案 B

解析 根据题干关键词Strickland定位到原文第四段。Strickland指出,激光望远镜的优势之一是被探测到的可能性很小,B与之同义。该段第一句中的near impossible说明还是有被探测到的可能,故排除A;光束弱是不易探测的原因之一,但第一句指出最根本的原因在于激光点对点的传送,故排除C;第二句指出探测光束的条件是:高敏感度的探测器离激光接收器足够近,而前方侦察员携带的激光望远镜主要用于发射光束而不是接收,故排除D。