What emitted from the exhaust pipe of the GM minivan the author drove is so clea

游客2024-06-16  3

问题 What emitted from the exhaust pipe of the GM minivan the author drove is so clean that it is drinkable. [br] Hydrogen-powered fuel-cell vehicles that need no oil and emit no ______ will be developed by the Department of Energy and automakers Ford, General Motors and DaimlerChrysler.


答案 toxic chemicals

解析 由题干关键词Hydrogen-powered fuel-cell vehicles定位到第二个小标题下第二段最后一句。能源部、福特汽车制造、大众和克莱斯勒汽车制造建立了一个合作项目,共同研制以氢为动力的燃料电池汽车,这种汽车不需要汽油而且不排放有害化学物质。