The author of the passage does not believe that ______. [br] The writer would ap

游客2024-06-16  4

问题 The author of the passage does not believe that ______. [br] The writer would approve an unsuccessful political candidate ______.

选项 A、gave up all his opportunities
B、promised to try again next time
C、overthrew the government by force
D、told the people the truth about his opponent

答案 C

解析 本题为推理判断题,需根据作者意图去推断出答案。从这篇文章的主题来看,是“文斗”或是“武斗”,对一个落选的政治家来说,文斗已经失败,而只能退而求其次,采取the struggling method by force也就是要推翻政府,故选C。