[originaltext]M: I have been studying too much and need a change. So I’ve just

游客2024-06-16  3

M: I have been studying too much and need a change. So I’ve just made plans to go away during January break.
W: Really? Where are you going?
M: I’m planning to visit New Mexico.
W: My sister and I vacationed there last year and we had a great time.
M: Did you get into Albuquerque?
W: Sure. Whenever we were skiing.
M: Is it far from the mountains?
W: Not at all. See even though Albuquerque is on a high flat plateau. There are even higher mountains near it. Just half an hour away from the city there are snow-covered slopes.
M: Well. As the mountains are just thirty minutes away, I guess I should take my ice skate and my ski’s.
W: Definitely.
M: I heard that the weather there is great.
W: It is. No humidity, moderate temperatures, but you do need to be careful about high altitude.
M: What should I do about that?
W: Oh, just take it easy for a few days. Don’t go hiking up the mountains or exercise too vigorously. Just do everything gradually.
M: I’m sure I will be fine. And I will let you know all about my trip when I come back.

选项 A、Because she was born there.
B、Because she worked there last year.
C、Because her sister vacationed there last year.
D、Because her sister and her vacationed there last year.

答案 D

解析 Why does the woman know so much about Albuquerque?