Employers in some unlikely places say they’re having trouble filling jobs. F

游客2024-06-15  2

问题     Employers in some unlikely places say they’re having trouble filling jobs. Factory managers in Ho Chi Minh City report many of their $62-a-month workers went home for the Tet(春节) holiday in February and never came back. In Bulgaria, computer experts are in such demand they can’t be bothered to answer the want ads of a Los Angeles movie studio. And in Peoria, Caterpillar Inc. is struggling to train enough service technicians. The problem in each case: not enough people who are both able and willing to do the work for the posted pay. "We’ve got a global problem...  and it’s only going to continue to get worse," says Stephen Hitch, a human resources manager at Caterpillar.
    A global labor crunch, already being felt by some employers, appears to have intensified in recent months. That’s in spite of widely publicized layoffs, including Citigroup’s plans to shed as many as 15,000 staffers. In fact, U.S. unemployment remains low—just 4.5% in February—and even companies in countries with higher jobless rates are feeling pinched. "It’s not just a U.S. phenomenon," says Jeffrey A. Joerres, CEO of Manpower Inc., the staffing agency. On Mar. 29, Manpower was to release the results of a survey of nearly 37,000 employers in 27 counties. The study found that 41% of them are having trouble hiring the people they need.
    What’s going on here? With global growth running at a strong 5% a year since 2004, the strategies that companies developed to hold clown labor costs—including off-shoring work to low wage countries—are running out of gas far sooner than many expected. The seemingly inexhaustible pools of cheap labor from China, India, and elsewhere are drying’ up as demand outstrips(超过) the supply of people with the needed skills. "Companies were hoping they wouldn’t have to worry about human resources at all," says Peter Cappelli, director of the Center for Human Resources at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. "Now they do."
    Corporations are determined to keep labor costs under control, so they’re reaching deeper into their bag of tricks. Some are doing more in-house training so they don’t have to recruit pricey talent on the open market. Some are lowering their standards for new hires or moving operations to virgin territories other outsourcers haven’t discovered, such as the Belarusian capital, Minsk, or smaller cities in Bulgaria and Romania.


答案 computer experts

解析 从题干中the Los Angeles movie studio定位到文章的第一段。这一段列举了几家公司难以找到合适的工人现象。其中就提到了the Los Angeles movie studio,该工作室广告招聘电脑专家,而此类人才如此紧缺竟然没有人光顾。