Virtually all plant and animal species on Earth can be found in tropical rainfor

游客2024-06-15  2

问题 Virtually all plant and animal species on Earth can be found in tropical rainforests. [br] Epiphytes, which form much of the under story of the rainforest, get all their water and nutrients from______.


答案 the canopy layer

解析 由题干中的Epiphytes和water and nutrients定位到第二个小标题下末段末句Epiphytes are close enough to the top to receive adequate light,and the runoff from the canopy layer provides all the water and nutrients(养分) they need…此处需要填入名词性成分。题干中的get与原文中的receive属同义词:原文指出Epiphytes“附生植物”靠近树顶能够吸收充足的阳光和树冠层的废物,而树冠层为附生植物提供生长所需要的水和养分。故答案为the canopy layer。