In some places leaves will fall off the trees before they change colors in the a

游客2024-06-14  2

问题 In some places leaves will fall off the trees before they change colors in the autumn. [br] The leaves of evergreens can survive the winter because they are ______and fluid inside their cells contains cold-resisting substances.


答案 covered with a heavy wax coating

解析 由题干中的evergreens,survive the winter和fluid inside their cells定位到第五个小标题下第2段第1、2、3句内容The evergreens…survive winter because…leaf is covered with a heavy wax coating and the fluid inside their cells contains substances that resist freezing…此处需要填入原因状语从句的谓语成分。本段第2句说明了常青植物的叶子是如何能够抵御寒冷的;题干中的cold—resisting substances与原文中的substances that resist freezing属同义转述。故答案为covered with a heavy Wax coating。