According to the first paragraph,what was a major factor in the Newfoundland cod

游客2024-06-14  3

问题 According to the first paragraph,what was a major factor in the Newfoundland cod disaster? [br] According to passage, which of the following is now true about the Newfoundland fisheries?

选项 A、Normal fishing could start again in 2007.
B、Catches of 2700 tons a year only are permitted.
C、Fishing with draggers will be allowed again in 2007.
D、No cod fishing is allowed but some other species can be caught.

答案 A

解析 根据该段最后两句提到的... in 1992... Canada had to ban all fishing... less than 1700 tons... at least 15 years... 可知,加拿大于1992年在东海岸水域全面禁止捕鱼…保持少于1700吨…预测至少15年后才足够健康,达到以前的捕捞水平,由此可知[A]为答案,同时排除[B]和[C]。