What is the one huge problem that we haven’t really solved? [br] Antipollution l

游客2024-06-14  1

问题 What is the one huge problem that we haven’t really solved? [br] Antipollution legislations have been enacted thanks to the continued pressure from ______.

选项 A、grass-roots organizations
B、individual activism
D、environmental regulation

答案 C

解析 细节题。根据题干信息词Antipollution legislation定位到第六个小标题第二句Without the continued pressure from environmentalists,antipollution legislation would not have been enacted,and many pollution-reducing devices would not have been invented,即:没有来自环境学家的压力,反污染规则不会被实行,许多减少污染的工具也不会被发明,故选C。